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Testimonials for At Home, At Rest Pet Euthanasia

On one of the harder days of my life, Maria Kuty was a blessing.  Euthanizing my beloved companion was such a difficult decision, but Maria was the best. Doing it at home was wonderful since my dog hated the car and going to the vet. He went peacefully on his own bed and there was so much less stress for me. Maria was calm, competent and professional as well as having a comforting presence. I can’t think of a better vet to have called in this difficult time.  And if my other 2 dogs ever need a vet at home I wouldn’t hesitate to call her.  Thank you.

S.L., Los Gatos, CA

As most of the reviewers here have said, the decision on when (and unfortunately where) to euthanize your most loved pets is an often agonizing one.

My cat Spookie had been in declining health for several years as he was 18, but had taken a more rapid turn for the worse in the last 2–3 months. I had called Maria several times over the course of the last 3–4 weeks as his condition would deteriorate rapidly, before miraculously rallying for short periods of time. Unfortunately, the moment did finally come when prolonging his life would be inhumane. Dr. Kuty handled everything professionally, compassionately and with kindness and care. My cat passed in the home he’d known for almost his entire life, on my lap and peacefully. I could think of no more honorable, respectful and dignified way I would have wanted it and thank Dr. Kuty for her kindness, love of animals and respect for what euthanizing your most beloved pet entails.

Chris F., San Jose, CA

This is the hardest review I have ever done. We did not have a regular vet for our family dog Kyra. That made it very difficult when it came to deciding what to do in her last days. We had seen a vet located near our house, which made Kyra extremely anxious, whining, and you could just see how scared she was in her eyes. We brought her home and continued our care for her there. At that point, I decided to search other options. As a family we were set on the decision that her last days should be at home with us, the place she feels safe, loved, and comfortable. We wanted her to be calm and soothed and most importantly not scared. We came across Maria’s yelp and decided to call her. She was extremely understanding with our situation. When Maria arrived on Kyra’s last day, Kyra was happy and friendly to her. We knew at that moment that having a vet come to our home was the best. Kyra was at ease and not scared. Maria did not rush anything at all. She gave the entire family time with her, We have three children, so Maria was very understanding in making sure it was NOT traumatic for them. Once it was time, Maria described everything in the process she was doing. When she injected Kyra with the sleeping medication— we all had time to see Kyra dream, move her paws as if she was running and in her dream state. Again, we were not rushed in this process, and while Kyra was dreaming the entire family had time with her.  She then proceeded to the last phase. Our kids remember our beloved family dog Kyra laying in her favorite spot in the sun, dreaming away and peacefully falling asleep not to wake up again. It was very loving and we don’t regret at all having Kyra’s last moment at home. I highly recommend Maria’s services. She was an incredibly sweet vet, that did rush, was understanding, caring, especially with kids. Maria seems to work on a time line that works with the family and their needs. For us, we needed that time through the process and we really appreciated that. 

Thank you again Maria for making Kyra’s last moments with us memorable and sweet. We will always feel the loss of her, but will always have the memory of her laying the sun dreaming— I thank you for that!!!!

Jennifer A., Bay Area

Dr. Kuty showed up on time and helped our geriatric cat transition to the next level. The process was well explained and Dr. Kuty made sure the timing of each stage matched my pace of acceptance. The anticipation of the euthanasia was worse than the actual event. I recommend Dr. Kuty for wellness care as well as end-of-life care. I would call her again without hesitation.

Sara B., San Jose, CA

As a former internal medicine veterinary nurse, I assisted my doctors in many euthanasias and tried to comfort both my clients and patients at that sad time. We helped our patients “cross the rainbow bridge” in a quiet room where they spent their last precious moments with their people in a calm, family room-like setting and not on an exam table.

However, when it was time to euthanize my own beloved cat, I didn’t even want to take him to a hospital. Murphy hated being in a car and going to the vet, so I wanted to spare him that stress and anxiety on his last day. I began interviewing mobile veterinarians and finally chose Dr. Kuty.

Even though she was on medical leave, she returned my message promptly and answered all my many questions professionally and compassionately. Her euthanasia process is much the same as that of other mobile vets; however, she uses a butterfly catheter. This proved to me that she cares more about doing what is medically proper and best for the patient rather than save a few dollars.

I assume most pets that mobile vets euthanize are older and quite ill. Fortunately (or unfortunately), my handsome boy was still active and seemingly healthy, except for the nasal cancer that was growing very aggressively and beginning to affect his quality of life. Without a sedative, he might have been a difficult patient. Dr. Kuty understood that I didn’t want to restrain my own cat, as another mobile vet suggested I could do. Instead she was open to the idea of my giving him an oral sedative before she arrived, ensuring that he’d be calm.

Even though euthanizing my cat was one of the saddest things I’ve ever experienced, I am so grateful to Dr. Kuty for making his passing so peaceful. Murphy had a beautiful last day, basking in the sun in his favorite spot in my mom’s backyard. And Dr. Kuty accommodated my request to perform the euthanasia there, so he could drift away feeling the warmth of the late fall sun on his fur. *****Epilogue: A week later, I received a beautiful sympathy card that Dr. Kuty had clearly chosen specifically for my family in remembrance of Murphy. Two weeks later, she called to tell me she had received Murphy’s cremains from Caring Pets and would deliver them to me at my convenience. Unfortunately our schedules didn’t sync well, and she drove all the way from Salinas to Campbell on the one day I could meet just to make the delivery in person. I will always appreciate her compassion, thoughtfulness, and kindness.

Julie K., San Jose, CA